Since November of 2009, Bob Ryder has attended the Canine Behavior and Training Intern Academy at Peaceable Paws, LLC in Hagerstown, MD, studying with renowned positive trainer, author, and behavioral consultant, Pat Miller.
Bob became a Pat Miller Certified Trainer (PMCT) today after completing his third Academy (Level 2 “Behavior Modification”) and a total of 135 hours of educational internships at Peaceable Paws. Previous academies included Level 1 “Canine Training and Behavior” and Level 2 “Instructors Course.”
Bob worked on behavior modification with Squid during this past week at the Academy, a cute little Jack Russell Terrier mix puppy who may be heading off to his forever home on Sunday.
Congratulations to Bob, and all of his fellow BMod grads — and good luck Squid!